Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Glossary of Terms

No Child Left Behind Act
The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 was passed in January 2002. It requires public school systems to ensure that each student receives a meaningful, high-quality, education. The standard for successful implementation of this law is the acceleration of academic achievement for all students and the elimination of achievement gaps among children.

Bridge to Excellence
The Bridge to Excellence in Public Schools Act is based on a standards-based approach to public school financing that is consistent with the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. The Maryland State Department of Education must set academic content and student achievement standards, ensure that schools and students have sufficient resources to meet those standards, and hold schools and school systems accountable for student performance.

Cross-Functional Teams
Eleven cross-functional monitoring teams have been established to ensure increased academic achievement initially in the 60 most highly impacted schools, and eventually in all schools. Each team will have the responsibility of monitoring the progress being made in its functional area. The teams also will be responsible for identifying the gaps between expected and actual outcomes for the key performance indicators being monitored and for recommending strategies to improve the performance when there are gaps.

A point in time identifying progress.

Data Points
Part of the performance measurements system used to determine progress.

System of Shared Accountability
An information-sharing, performance-measurement system that enables students, teachers, principals, parents, and central office staff to collaborate on improving results.

Professional Growth System for Teachers and Administrators
Both systems are designed to ensure that all teachers and administrators realize their full potential.

Professional Learning Communities
Organizations that exhibit shared mission, vision, and values; collective inquiry; collaborative teams; action orientation and experimentation; continuous improvement and results orientation. Organizations that respect learning, honor teaching, and teach for understanding.


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