Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Strategic Plan for Quality School

Goal 1: Ensure Success for Every Student

Board of Education Priorities:
Organize and optimize resources for improved academic results
Align rigorous curriculum, delivery of instruction, and assessment for continuous improvement of student achievement
Use student, staff, school, and system performance data to monitor and improve student achievement

The mission is to provide a high-quality, world-class education that ensures success for every student through excellence in teaching and learning. This mission requires that each student, and group of students be provided with access to rigorous curriculum and supported toward successful educational outcomes.
Ensuring success for every student sets the standard of expectation for the school system. The goal is, through systemic reform, to have each and every student achieve the standards of performance set for all students in our school system.


1. All students will achieve or exceed proficiency standards in mathematics, reading, and writing on local and state assessments.

2. All students will successfully complete algebra by the end of Grade 9 and geometry by the end of Grade 10.

3. All schools will increase participation and performance of all students taking the SAT.

4.All schools will eliminate the disproportionate suspension rate of African American and

Hispanic students.

5. All students will be educated in learning environments that are safe, drug free, and conducive

to learning.

6. All schools will meet or exceed the state’s graduation requirements.

7. All students will graduate prepared for post-secondary education or employment.

Goal 2: Provide an Effective Instructional Program

Board of Education Priorities
Align rigorous curriculum, delivery of instruction, and assessment for continuous improvement of student achievement

Develop, expand, and deliver a literacy-based pre-kindergarten to Grade 2 initiative
Use student, staff, school, and system performance data to monitor and improve student achievement

Providing a world-class education is dependent upon the creation and implementation of a
rigorous curriculum, an effective instructional delivery system, and a quality assessment program. A consistent, congruent continuum of curriculum, instruction and assessment is essential to student achievement. Through systemic programmatic reform in the school system the school has designed and developed an infrastructure for supporting student achievement.


1. All students acquire the essential skills in pre-kindergarten and knowledge to meet or exceed standards in reading and math by the end of Grade 2.

2. All schools will increase enrollment and performance of all students in gifted, Honors,
Advanced Placement, and other advanced programs.

3. MCPS will eliminate the disproportionate representation of African American students in
special education.

4. All schools will provide students with disabilities access to general education to the maximum

extent appropriate.

5. All schools will achieve or exceed local and state standards for attendance, promotion, and


Goal 3: Strengthen Productive Partnerships for Education

Board of Education PrioritiesStrengthen family-school relationships and continue to expand civic, business, and community partnerships that support improved student achievement

Foster and sustain systems that support and improve employee effectiveness, in partnership with the school employee organizations

The school is committed to building and maintaining strong relationships with a broad range of stakeholders, including, civic, business, and community groups in support of student achievement and employee excellence. Through the creation of dynamic relationships that advance the school’s mission to provide a high-quality, world-class education that ensures success for every student through excellence in teaching and learning, the school is the essential catalysis for a countywide commitment to education. By recognizing the critical role external stakeholders play in the school, and the role the school plays in the broader community there is an infrastructure for shared responsibility and accountability.


1. The school community demonstrates shared responsibility for student success.

2. The school and members of the broader community demonstrate collaborate in the strategic planning and budget processes to identify and align resources and services in support of high-quality education.

3. The school and higher education institutions collaborate to provide a high-quality work force and to promote student success.

4. The school collaborates with and provides support to all segments of the community to promote student success.

Goal 4: Create a Positive Work Environment in a Self-renewing Organization

Board of Education Priorities

Organize and optimize resources for improved academic resultsUse student, staff, school, and system performance data to monitor and improve student achievement

Foster and sustain systems that support and improve employee effectiveness, in partnership with the School employee organizations

For the teachers, principals, support staff, and senior and central office staff, the school is a place of business that must respond to the needs of its employees. A world class school system recruits and retains the best possible educators, administrators, and supporting personnel and equips them with the skills, technology, leadership, supervision, feedback and professional development opportunities they need to consistently perform at the highest level possible. It encourages staff achievements and promotes a positive work environment in partnership with its employee organizations.


1. All employees will be provided with high-quality professional development opportunities to
promote individual and organizational effectiveness.

2. Systems are in place to recruit, support, and retain highly qualified and diverse professional
and support personnel.

3. Strategic plans exist and are aligned at all levels of the organization.

4. The work environment promotes employee well-being, satisfaction, and positive morale.

5. The school recognizes staff efforts and achievement in pursuit of system goals and related


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