Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Initiatives Aligned with Strategic Plan

Goal 1: Ensure Success for Every Student

Board of Education Priorities
Organize and optimize resources for improved academic results
Align rigorous curriculum, delivery of instruction, and assessment for continuous improvement of student achievement
Use student, staff, school, and system performance data to monitor and improve student achievement

MCPS will implement the guidelines established in Bridge to Excellence in Public Schools Act. Data will be disaggregated by race, ethnicity, gender, disability status, English proficiency, and economically disadvantaged status. Although Our Call to Action states that all students are expected to attain certain milestones, some students, due to their disabilities, will not achieve these milestones and will follow alternative curricula.

Early Success Performance Plan

Pre-Kindergarten Programs Expanded
Full-Day Kindergarten Expanded
Reading Initiatives in Grades 1 and 2 Developed and Expanded
Reading Interventions
Reading First
Ruth Rales Comcast Kids Reading Network
Support for the 60 Most Highly Impacted Schools

Class-Size Reductions
15:1 in Full-Day Kindergarten in Targeted Elementary Schools
17:1 in Grades 1 & 2 in Targeted Elementary Schools
Reduction of Oversize Secondary School Classes
Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) for Special Education
Special Education Staffing Improvements

Support Program Improvements
Special Education Services
English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
Improved Student Services and Mental Health Support
Multicultural Education Improvements
Alternative Programs Improvements

Extended Time
Extended Day and Year Programs (Elementary and Middle School)
Summer School
Evening High School Reorganization

Middle School Magnet Consortium

High School Reform

High School Task Force Recommendations
Signature Programs
Northeast Consortium Programs
Downcounty Consortium Programs
Smaller Learning Communities
Pilot Course Development
Student Online Courses

Leadership and Supervision of Schools
Structured School Visits
Program Efficiency, Abandonment, and Redirection (PEAR)

Safe and Secure Schools
Systemwide Emergency Response Plan
Individual Crisis Plans at all Schools and Facilities
Security Personnel at all Middle and High Schools
Educational Facilities Officers (EFO)
Safe and Drug Free Schools
Gang Prevention and Awareness
Character Education
Code Blue/Code Red Procedures Human Relations Compliance

Goal 2: Provide an Effective Instructional Program

Board of Education Priorities
Align rigorous curriculum, delivery of instruction, and assessment for continuous improvement of student achievement
Develop, expand, and deliver a literacy-based pre-kindergarten to Grade 2 initiative
Use student, staff, school, and system performance data to monitor and improve student achievement

Curriculum and Instruction

Implementation of a Standards-Based Curriculum
Councils on Teaching and Learning
Formative Assessments
Curriculum Implementation Textbook Project
Standards-Based Grading and Reporting System
Information Literacy Skills
Middle School Reform
Skills for Success
Mathematics Content Coaches
Reading Specialists
Reading Recovery®
Secondary Literacy
Fine Arts Education
Arts Integrated Model Elementary Program
System of Shared Accountability
Increased Rigor
Program Evaluations
SAT Intervention Plan
Honors and Advanced Placement (AP)
Gifted and Talented Student Program Improvements
Career and Technology Education Programs

Technology for Curriculum Mastery (TCM)
Digital Divide
Integrated Quality Management System
Data Warehouse Instructional Management System

Goal 3: Strengthen Productive Partnerships for Education

Board of Education Priorities

Strengthen family-school relationships and continue to expand civic, business, and community partnerships that support improved student achievement
Foster and sustain systems that support and improve employee effectiveness, in partnership with MCPS employee organizations

Parent and Community Partnerships

Montgomery County Business Roundtable for Education
Study Circles
Achievement Counts
Family/Community Involvement
PARTNERS in Business and Education
Mentoring Programs
Connection Resource Bank
Various Advisory Committees and Work Groups
County Government Partnerships
Montgomery College Partnerships, including Adult ESOL
Grade 10 Readiness Program
University Partnerships for Professional Development
Business Partnerships and Training
Technology Partnerships
Employee Organization Partnerships Saturday School Program

Goal 4: Create a Positive Work Environment in a Self-renewing Organization

Board of Education Priorities

Organize and optimize resources for improved academic results
Use student, staff, school, and system performance data to monitor and improve student achievement
Foster and sustain systems that support and improve employee effectiveness, in partnership with MCPS employee organizations

Career Development
Professional Growth System for Teachers
Professional Growth System for Administrators and Supervisors
Professional Development for New Administrators
Professional Growth System for Supporting Services Staff
Supporting Services Training and Development
Staff Development Teachers
Skillful Teaching Courses
Peer Assistance and Review (PAR) Program
Staff Development Substitute Teachers in Every School
New Teacher Induction and Mentoring
Framework for Improving Teaching and Learning
Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction Grade-Level Training
Continuing Professional Development Courses
Diversity Training and Development
Recruitment/Retention/Placement of Highly Qualified Staff
Baldrige Education Criteria for Performance Excellence
Baldrige-Guided School Improvement Process
Human Resources Information System Employee and Retiree Services Center



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