Sunday, May 14, 2006

Parent Communication

At KLC, parents are full partners and participants in their children's academic experience.

Teachers communicate daily with parents both in conversation and with "What Your Child Discovered Today" notes detailing student activities. Our Home School Connection suggests activities that support the lesson plan that parents and children can do together at home. Our Open Door policy encourages parents to visit their children anytime, observe during class time and participate in special outings.

Additionally, we encourage open communication between parents and staff:

o Formal parent-teacher conferences are held at least once annually and provide a formal assessment of each child's progress.

o Teachers are available each day to discuss issues and concerns.

o Classroom Bulletin Boards posted in every classroom include the daily schedule, medical emergency procedures, weekly lesson plans, weekly menu, developmental milestones, program goals, and the center's evacuation plan.

o Monthly Center Newsletters describe upcoming events and highlight new program offerings and service enhancements.
o The Parent Connection newsletter provides updates on new programs, curriculum highlights and book recommendations on a quarterly basis.
o KLC Online is delivered to your desktop and offers activity suggestions, updates on early education issues, and helpful hints on how to keep your child safe and healthy.


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