Sunday, March 18, 2012

Welcome to the Quality Assurance Framework (QAF)

Welcome to the Quality Assurance Framework (QAF)

The University's Quality Assurance Framework describes in detail the main policies, procedures and guidance related to quality assurance, learning and teaching enhancement and academic standards.
The QAF website is structured in 14 sections, as indicated in the two navigation bars shown above. There is also also a QA Archive containing ELIR reports, past Programme Review and Accreditation reports, Lists of External Teaching Collaborations and Accrediting Bodies, L&T Committee and Academic Quality Sub-Committee minutes.

The document Policy Status of the Quality Assurance Framework outlines the formal standing of the QAF documents, guidenotes and templates.

A key principle of the QAF is that the primary determinant of teaching quality is the relationship between those delivering and supporting teaching and the student. In accord with this, its policies and processes aim to:

support regular reflective practice on the part of staff, teaching teams and academic managers;
promote active involvement of students and their representatives, including the students' association (DUSA);
create a culture of continuous improvement and enhancement;
encompass the requirements of professional statutory bodies, when appropriate; and
facilitate communication of needs and priorities both from the 'bottom up' and from the 'top down'.

One of the main aims is to connect strategic developments at University and college levels to the planning and delivery of academic programmes at school level. The QAF process diagram summarises how this is achieved.

The University recognises that QA and continuing professional development are closely linked. The directors of QA and Academic Professional Development work closely to provide a structured programme of events in consultation with colleges and schools and publish a newsletter, Highlighter, which aims to publicise current issues and agendas in learning and teaching. The institution also recognises success in these areas via a series of awards for innovation, excellence and lifetime achievement.
Development of the QAF
The University of Dundee's QAF was revised in 2008, following a review which took into account the reorganisation of the University, the Learning and Teaching Strategy 2007-12 and the Strategic Framework to 2012. The views of staff and students also informed the review, which was approved through Senate in May 2008. The review recognised that in reframing quality assurance (QA) procedures, the University was building on strength, as evidenced by the 'broad confidence' outcome from the QAA Scotland Enhancement Led Institutional Review of 2004.
Embedding the QAF
Information about the QAF is primarily distributed via this website, including the 'QAF News' section, with regular updates provided via the Highlighter newsletter.
The implementation of the QAF is managed at College and school level. College or school websites should be consulted as appropriate.
The formal mechanism for discussion matters of related to QA is the Learning and Teaching Committee and Senate (remits, agendas and minutes are available from here).

Specific queries about implementation of any of the sections of the QAF should be directed to the Director of Quality Assurance, Dr Jonathan Weyers (Ext 84258; or Dr Eric Monaghan (Ext 84290, Contact details of other central and college staff with responsibility for learning and teaching and quality assurance can be found here.
The QA team regularly meets with the School Secretaries' Forum, which is a key mechanism for discussing the day-to-day operation of the framework. The team also meet frequently with college and school boards, programme review teams, heads of learning and teaching and heads of QA to give the background to the QAF, outline the QA procedures and discuss good practice.

Working closely with the Library & Learning Centre (Educational Development), the QA team also help to organise conferences and workshops with a focus on quality enhancement.


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