Tuesday, May 15, 2007

May 09, 2007
Vision 2021: Creating New Dialogues on the Future of School Leaders

The Vision 2021 initiative is allowing NAESP members to lead the way in strengthening the foundation and creating a new strategic framework for the association. During the association's annual convention in Seattle this year, more than 200 NAESP members and staff met to exchange ideas about Vision 2021. Participants identified five strategic issues that reflect the association’s enduring values and emerging opportunities for leadership.

1. NAESP should work to realize equity in public schools by championing the opportunity for all children to have learning experiences that help them achieve their full potential;

2. Schools should prepare students to be global citizens for an interconnected and collaborative world and to work in a global community on common issues such as peace, environment, and economic development;

3. Principals will act as chief learning officers to facilitate learning around student, staff, and school goals. NAESP should continue to lead the charge on redefining the principalship—building on its success with the Leading Learning Communities project;

4. NAESP should continue to press for early childhood education and networks of support to give young children a strong start. NAESP should shape the public debate on early childhood education by gathering research on its effectiveness and pressing for good early intervention programs with certified teachers; and

5. Principals must develop cultural competency to lead the nation’s increasing diverse schools. Principals should be prepared to create a positive educational culture that draws on the strengths of diverse cultures and languages.

In 2021, NAESP will celebrate 100 years of representing school principals. Within the next several months, we hope that NAESP members will weigh in on the issues that are raised through the Vision 2021 initiative. Also, we’d like you to let us know if there are other strategic issues you feel NAESP should consider as it sets goals for Vision 2021. Where would you like to see NAESP exercise its leadership over the next 15 years?

Tomorrow, Claus von Zastrow, executive director of the Learning First Alliance, will provide some insight on Question 1.


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