Tuesday, January 17, 2006

PRINCIPAL's Competency Standards


Course Title and Number
and/or Experiences

Assessment Activities

STANDARD 1 – Facilitating a Vision of Learning
The competent school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community.

Knowledge Indicators - The competent principal:
1A. has knowledge and understanding of learning goals in a pluralistic society.

1B. comprehends the principles of developing and implementing long‑term plans.

1C. recognizes theories of educational leadership.

1D. understands information sources, data collection, and data analysis strategies.

1E. understands effective communication.

1F. understands effective consensus‑building and negotiation skills.

1G. has knowledge of the philosophy and history of education.

Performance Indicators - The competent principal:
1H. designs curricula with consideration for philosophical, sociological, and historical foundations, democratic values and the community's values, goals, social needs, and changing conditions.

1I. facilitates the development and implementation of a shared vision and strategic plan for the school or district that focuses on teaching and learning.

1J. analyzes, evaluates, and monitors operational plans and processes to accomplish strategic goals using practical applications of organizational theories.

1K. solicits and uses financial, human, and material resources to support the implementation of the school’s mission and goals.

1L. identifies and critiques several theories of leadership and their application to various school environments.

1M. conducts needs assessments and uses qualitative and quantitative data to plan and assess school programs.

1N. analyzes and interprets educational data, issues and trends.

1O. uses appropriate interpersonal skills and applies appropriate and effective communications strategies when using written, verbal, and nonverbal communication.

1P. engages in effective consensus‑building and displays effective negotiation skills.

1Q. frames, analyzes, and resolves problems using appropriate problem‑solving techniques and decision‑making skills.

1R. analyzes school problems with an understanding of major historical, philosophical, ethical, social, and economic influences in a democratic society.

STANDARD 2 – School Culture and Instructional Program
The competent school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to students’ learning and staff’s professional growth.

Knowledge Indicators - The competent principal:
2A. has knowledge and understanding of school cultures.

2B. understands the continuum of students’ growth and development.

2C. knows the procedures used in the assessment of the learning environment.

2D. understands applied learning theories.

2E. understands curriculum design, implementation, evaluation, and refinement.

2F. recognizes the components of a special education evaluation.

2G. understands principles of effective instruction and best practices.

2H. comprehends measurement, evaluation, and assessment strategies.

2I. understands diversity and its meaning for educational programs.

2J. is familiar with adult learning and professional development models.

2K. understands the change process for systems, organizations, and individuals.

2L. recognizes the role of technology in promoting students’ learning and professionals’ growth.

2M. understands classroom management.

Performance Indicators - The competent principal:
2N. creates with teachers, parents, and students a positive school culture that promotes learning.

2O. promotes an inclusive educational culture.

2P. articulates the district's or school's vision, mission, and priorities to the community and media.

2Q. builds community support for district or school priorities and programs.

2R. promotes an environment where all individuals are treated with fairness, dignity, and respect.

2S. develops a culture of high expectations for self, students and staff’s performance where accomplishments are recognized.

2T. applies the principles of student growth and development to the learning environment and the educational program.

2U. utilizes procedures in the assessment of the learning environment.

2V. develops collaboratively a learning organization that supports instructional improvement, builds an appropriate curriculum, and incorporates best practice.

2W. develops collaboratively curriculum and developmentally appropriate instruction for varied teaching and learning styles as well as specific needs of students, considering gender, ethnicity, culture, social class, and exceptionalities.

2X. analyzes various staffing patterns, student grouping plans, class scheduling forms, and school organizational structures and facilitates design processes to support various teaching strategies and desired student outcomes.

2Y. assesses students’ progress using a variety of appropriate techniques.

2Z. bases curricular decisions on research, applied theory, informed practice, the recommendations of learned societies, and State and federal policies and mandates.

2AA. aligns curricular goals and objectives with the Illinois Learning Standards (see 23 Ill. Adm. Code 1. Appendix D).

2BB. facilitates the design, implementation, and evaluation of curricular, co‑curricular, and extracurricular programs for continuous improvement.

2CC. uses resources to support instructional programs and best practices and incorporates a variety of supervisory models to improve teaching and learning.

2DD. uses qualitative and quantitative data to plan and assess school programs.

2EE. promotes an inclusive educational culture.

2FF. identifies needs for professional development and incorporates adult learning strategies and assessment in the formulation of self‑development plans for staff.

2GG. facilitates the change process for systems, organizations, and individuals by using qualitative and quantitative data to plan and assess school programs.

2HH. studies best practices, relevant research, and demographic data to analyze their implications for school improvement.

2II. develops, analyzes and implements operational plans and processes to accomplish strategic goals using practical applications of organizational theories.

2JJ. applies a systems perspective and monitors and assesses the progress of activities, making adjustments and formulating new action steps as necessary.

2KK. uses technology, telecommunications, and information systems to enrich curriculum and instruction.

2LL. develops and implements long‑range plans for school and district technology information systems.

2MM. uses a variety of supervisory models to improve teaching and learning.

2NN. uses and implements collaboratively developed policies and procedures that provide a safe school environment and promote health and welfare.

STANDARD 3 – Management
The competent school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by ensuring management of the organization, operations, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment.

Knowledge Indicators - The competent principal:
3A. understands theories and models of organizations and the principles of organizational development.

3B. is aware of local operational policies and procedures.

3C. understands principles and issues relating to school safety and security.

3D. has knowledge of management and development of human resources.

3E. comprehends principles and issues relating to fiscal considerations of school management.

3F. understands principles and issues relating to school facilities and use of space.

3G. recognizes legal issues impacting school operations.

3H. has knowledge of current technologies that support management’s functions.

Performance Indicators - The competent principal:
3I. applies theories to create conditions that motivate staff, students, and families to achieve the school's vision.

3J. analyzes a school’s problems with an understanding of major historical, philosophical, ethical, social, and economic influences in a democratic society.

3K. applies effective job‑analysis procedures, supervisory techniques, and performance appraisal for instructional and non‑instructional staff.

3L. utilizes appropriate policies, criteria, and processes for the recruitment, selection, induction, compensation, and separation of personnel, with attention to issues of equity, diversity, and exceptionalities.

3M. develops and implements an efficient building‑level budget planning process that is driven by school priorities.

3N. understands federal, State and local statutory and regulatory provisions and judicial decisions governing education.

3O. applies common legal and contractual requirements and procedures in an educational setting.

3P. applies and assesses current technologies for school management and business procedures.

STANDARD 4 – Collaboration with Families and Communities
The competent school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs and mobilizing community resources.

Knowledge Indicators - The competent principal:
4A. recognizes emerging issues and trends that potentially affect the school community.

4B. comprehends parents' rights, including the right to an independent evaluation and the use of that evaluation by the student’s IEP team (see 23 Ill. Adm. Code 226.75).

4C. understands the conditions and dynamics of the diverse school community.

4D. has knowledge of community resources.

4E. understands community relations and marketing strategies and processes.

4F. is aware of successful models of school, family, business, community, government, and higher education partnerships.

Performance Indicators - The competent principal:
4G. assesses emerging issues and trends to determine their impact on the school community.

4H. engages in activities that address parents' rights, including the right to an independent evaluation and the use of that evaluation by the student’s IEP team.

4I. analyzes community and district power structures and identifies major opinion leaders and their relationships to school goals and programs.

4J. identifies and analyzes the major sources of fiscal and non‑fiscal resources for schools.

4K. develops and implements an effective staff communication plan and public relations program.

4L. articulates the district's or school's vision, mission, and priorities to the community and media and understands how to build community support for district’s or school’s priorities and programs.

STANDARD 5 – Acting with Integrity, Fairness, and in an Ethical Manner
The competent administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner.

Knowledge Indicators - The competent principal:
5A. understands the purpose of education and the role of leadership in modern society.

5B. recognizes various ethical frameworks and perspectives on ethics.

5C. understands the values and challenges of the diverse school community.

5D. is aware of professional codes of ethics.

Performance Indicators - The competent principal:
5E. analyzes school problems with an understanding of major historical, philosophical, ethical, social, and economic influences in a democratic society.

5F. manifests a professional code of ethics and values.

5G. bases decisions on the moral and ethical implications of policy options and political strategies.

5H. promotes the values and challenges of the diverse school community.

5I. communicates effectively with various cultural, ethnic, racial, and special interest groups and other diverse populations in the community.

5J. treats people fairly, equitably and with dignity and respect and protects the rights and confidentiality of others.

5K. encourages others in the school community to demonstrate integrity and exercise ethical behavior.

STANDARD 6 – The Political, Social, Economic, Legal and Cultural Context

The competent school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context.

Knowledge Indicators - The competent principal:
6A. comprehends principles of representative governance that undergird the system of American schools.

6B. recognizes the role of public education in developing and renewing a democratic society and an economically productive nation.

6C. understands the law as related to education.

6D. understands State and federal requirements regarding least restrictive environment (including placement based on the student's Individualized Education Program (IEP) or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP); (see 23 Ill. Admin. Code 226.75) for students ages birth through 21 years old.

6E. has knowledge of the political, social, cultural, and economic systems and processes.

6F. understands models and strategies of change and conflict resolution as applied to the larger political, social, cultural, and economic contexts of schooling.

6G. knows about global issues and forces affecting teaching and learning.

6H. recognizes the dynamics of policy development and advocacy under our democratic political system.

6I. understands federal, State and local statutory and regulatory provisions as well as judicial decisions governing education.

Performance Indicators - The competent principal:
6J. Considers the general characteristics of internal and external political systems as they apply to school settings.

6K. Influences policy development at the federal, State, district and school‑site level.

6L. Applies knowledge of common legal and contractual requirements and procedures in an educational setting.

6M. Analyzes appropriate procedures and relationships for working with local governing boards.

6N. Develops lines of communication with decision makers outside the school community.

6O. Frames, analyzes and resolves problems using models and strategies of change and conflict resolution as applied to the larger political, social, cultural, and economic contexts of schooling.

6P. Bases decisions on the moral and ethical implications of policy options and political strategies.


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